Capturing Content at New Heights.
The Gulf Coast is one of the most beautiful areas in the United States. Founder of Hilltree Marketing, Jesse Hill, is a FAA-Certified Drone Pilot, and you can always see him traveling around the Mississippi, Alabama and Florida Gulf Coast capturing compelling footage for any project. We’re proud to be the winner of the Coastal Mississippi “My Secret Coast” video contest by placing 1st using 100% aerial footage from our aerial cinematography stockpile.
Capturing aerial footage is a must in today’s marketing climate, and it takes the creative eye to capture the best scenes. We’ve invested in the best aerial cinematography technology to make sure our clients stand out!
Certification requires knowledge of laws and awareness of the airways at all times.

Aerial Photography

Check out our videos below.
Centennial Plaza waterpark spotlight in Gulfport, Mississippi. 2021 Gold Addy Award Winner!
Coastal Mississippi “My Secret Coast” 1st Place Submission using 100% drone video footage.
Biloxi and Ocean Springs Sailboat Race Spotlight
Overstreet & Associates Woolmarket Project for the City of Biloxi
Ocean Springs, Mississippi Political Campaign Commercial
Gulfport, Mississippi Harbor Spotlight with Sound Effects Editing